There's only a little bit of Twilight news to share today, but here it is.
A very cool blog, has shared with us that there are new New Moon images and posters out. They are only of Bella and Edward so far, but they are of very good quality. Since many of you know that I don't care for Kristen very much I will show you the new Edward poster and if you want to check out Bella's images I will provide the link.
Another bit of news that I am not so sure about comes from There is a new line of cosmetics called Twilight Beauty coming out on August 17. There are two individual lines one inspired by The Volturi and the other is inspired by the Cullen/Hale/Swan women called Luna. The website looks very cool and the colors and products look very cool, but this might be taking things a little far. I'm not sure it is such a good idea to over saturate the market. I mean they just came out with with party supplies and greeting cards, which I personally would love, but this might be a bit much. Plus it is bitter sweet that they are using Rachelle LeFevre's image, but she won't get to finish out the series. Check it out and let me know what you think.
*Breaking Dawn spoiler warning*
Image source *
It is also being reported by that Summit has officially acquired the rights from Stephenie Meyer to make Breaking Dawn. It is being said that they are planning to separate the story into three parts for filming, so it will be a Breaking Dawn Trilogy. This has not been confirmed by Summit, but Stephenie Meyer has stated in the past that she believes it would have to be broken up into multiple films because there is no way that much information could fit into 90 minutes. It has also been said that they do not want the films to be rated R. This is going to be tough, too because of the sex and birth scene. The first of the films regardless is said to start filming in the early part of 2010. Personally, I wouldn't want to wait for three movies. I'd prefer two. My friend Elizabeth and I discussed this and believe the first one should lead up to the birth and Jacob imprinting on Renesmee and be sort of a cliffhanger. The second could deal with Bella becoming a vampire and the Volturi's visit. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Anyone else have a different idea?
I have my baby back and the weekend went by so fast. I really took some time for myself this weekend and I feel well rested and sociable.
Last night I went with Evan to see Rabbit Hole at The Clarence Brown LAB Theatre and it is one of the most touching plays I have EVER seen. It's about the struggles that take place between a husband and wife when their son dies after he is hit by a car. If you are into theatre at all and have not read the play, I highly recommend it. Zane did a recording for the show, so he was the voice of the little boy who is killed. That made it a little tough for me. I cried quite a bit. There was a lot of sniffling going on in the audience. With the combination of the brilliant acting and the thought of losing my own child, there was one point where I wanted to blubber audibly, but I held it in. After the show I went with my cousin, Evan and some of the cast to Sunspot and had a nice time laughing and talking after shedding so many tears. Isn't Evan handsome?Tomorrow will probably mean more tears for me though. Zane has his first day of kindergarten tomorrow. It is so hard to believe that my baby is going to be in school! His dad and I are planning to go together to take him and I have a feeling both of us will be weepy. I have every hope that the teachers and other kids will be nice and that Zane will love school. Kindergarten sets the precedent for the rest of his schooling, so I want it to start out well. Another thing that I think will be tough is the fact that his school starts at 7:45am! He is going to have a tough time going to bed early and an even tougher time getting up that early. I know we can do it and Zane is so excited.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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