Friday, July 31, 2009
Quiet Weekend
There was some good news reported today by one of my favorite Twitter-ers. RobPattzNews reports that Kristen Stewart has confirmed that she is NOT dating Robert Pattinson, but I think this is an old story. Regardless, to this news I say, "phew!". In an interview she gave to Britain's Top of the Pops Magazine back in November, they asked if the rumors were true to which she replied, “No. Rob and I are good friends," she said. "We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. I’ve acquired a good buddy and that’s a big deal, but I haven’t left my boyfriend for Robert Pattinson!” I guess that makes sense and I truly believe it. There are so many fans all over who want the romance of Edward and Bella to carry over into the actor's real lives, but I am not one of those people. I like to think that Rob can do better and that "Robsten" does not exist! He doesn't need some snarky 19 year-old. He needs an older woman who looks young for her age and has a great sense of humor and is a single mom who is also an actress, but does mostly stage work...I'm just sayin'. ;o) Wishful thinking...I know. Here is the article from
In other Twilight news, the official World of Twilight website is open for business. It was a part of the official New Moon Website that said it was "coming soon" for a long time, but now it has arrived. There are some pretty cool wallpapers, widgets and IM icons plus tons of other stuff. There is even a part that is set up for Breaking Dawn and says "coming soon". It looks very cool so check it out!
There's not a whole lot going on with me today. Just hanging out at home playing games on the computer. My best friend, Sarah and I are addicted to those hidden object games on so she shared one of hers with me and I planning to spend most of my afternoon doing that. Later this evening I am planning to go see Rabbit Hole, starring one of bestest friends, Tony Cedeno. Zane did a recording that they use in the show and I am so excited to hear that sweet little voice. I also just have to say how happy I am that Zane's first experience in theatre was with Tony. It was a real honor for me and Zane and it's something I'll remember forever. Anywho. Afterwards I am hoping to get to meet up with my handsome cousin, Evan and some of my friends for a belated birthday drink. If anyone else is interested, let me know...the more the merrier!
Also, thanks to everyone who reads! I set up a "site meter" 4 days ago and have already had over 120 views! I owe it to you all. You are AWESOME!
Biting The Hand That Feeds Them
I know you all thought that it was over but the feud between Rachelle LeFevre and Summit Entertainment is continuing, although with a little less animosity. Rachelle has stated that she will not be making anymore statement on the matter and Summit is stating that she broke her contract and is owed no other compensation, so the only thing left do in the lawyers. Rachelle has thanked her fans via Twitter, but has left it at that and some of the other cast members have made very short comments about the situation, but no other elaborations have been made. I am sure Summit and their lawyers have placed a gag order or asked for silence on the issue. Either way, I am sure this will not be the last we will hear on the matter. Marc Malkin with E! News Online wrote an article to shed some light on the situation and it gives a little more detail. If you are interested in keeping up with this story, I suggest you all keep up with Marc. He was the first to speak to Rachelle and get the exclusive. He is in the know!
"I don't think so."
—A key Summit player's response when we asked if the Twitter petition Twilight fans are waging in an effort to save fired Rachelle Lefevre in her role as Victoria would get her reinstated.
Clearly, Lefevre's attempt to get time off from her Eclipse duties to do another film, Barney's Version, did not go over well. Lefevre's side of the battling story, as our colleague Marc Malkin scooped, states plainly it's Summit just trying to get out of paying her upped salary for the third installment in the Twilight saga.
On the other corporate bitchy hand, Summit claims Lefevre withheld notification about doing the film (which has a conflicting shoot schedule) and is being "uncooperative" as a result.
Well, that's just what Summit's saying on the record.
What are those involved in the studio fracas saying privately?
Rachelle, to her credit, drew the first blood," bitched a key player involved in the nasty situation. "So no matter what Summit says, they look like the bad guy."
Score one for crafty Rachelle!
What about that amazing and dedicated Twi fan base, we asked the Summit insider? You know, that impressively forceful, online contingency that's been screaming for Lefevre's rehiring ever since the news first broke?"
Because the fan base is so passionate," our studio know-it-all replied, "any change [is one] they feel they need to be consulted on."
Bitchy! OK, so we guess Summit isn't too interested in maintaining nicey, nicey with anybody right now, huh? But remember, they said Rachelle started it all, so, of course, they're in lousy moods, right?"
You have no idea," sasses Deep Twi. "Everyone started freaking out when they saw how Rachelle was going to spin this. Execs were prepared to play nice but were 'stunned' when they saw Rachelle's statement. So you can scratch the playing nice part."
We asked DT one more time if there's any hope Lefevre can reprise her role in the third film, after hearing all the fan outrage and such."
After this public mess? I think that's a no."
WTF is up with these people?
Another story that I found interesting is the "smack talk" that is going on between Katherine Heigle and Seth Rogen! They starred in Knocked Up (one of my favorite movies) together and everything seem hunky dory at the time. Afterwards, Heigl stated that she saw the movie as "a little sexist" and that the women were painted as "shrews". Rogen is now saying that this must be Heigle's thing now, because she talks bad about everyone now. I think that Katherine is getting a "big Head" and needs to get over herself. Knocked Up is a movie that helped put her on the map! I am so sick of these bitchy actresses who are getting paid millions of dollars to a movie with these other amazing actors and directors and then they complain about it or act miserable. I would gladly switch places with them any time! Here is the short article from Erik Pedersen at E! News.
Did you see Kings of Leon on The Today Show this morning? I just love case you didn't know. Al Roker said that it was the biggest crowd they've had come out this summer AND it was raining. I thought it was so amazing that there were such a variety of people in the crowd. There were teenage girls, older men, frat guys, mom-type ladies and rocker dudes. I even saw a couple of little kids there. It was pretty cool. When I was driving Zane to my mother's house this morning we listened to a couple of other KOL songs and Zane said, "If I knew a couple more of their songs, I think they would be my favorite band." God, I love that child so much! A fan recorded her T.V. while they performed, so here ya go.
Last night at 8pm I saw that Gone With The Wind was on, so I turned the T.V. to AMC to see if Zane would show any interest in it. He watched it quite a bit and was asking me what people's names were and things like that. There were a couple of funny things he said while we were watching. During the scene where Scarlet is running through the streets of Atlanta and there are all the other people running to evacuate and they're all screaming and there were cannons going off Zane said, "The rodeo's in town!" I don't know where he got that! I've never said anything like that in my life. I guess he probably got it from my mother or from a movie, but it cracked me up. A few minutes after that he looked at me and said, "My Grandaddy fought in the Civil War." I thought that was pretty funny. I had to explain that the Civil War was 140-something years ago, so he didn't fight in the Civil War, but it was the Vietnam War. I think he understood, but he is just too darn cute!
Zane is going to his Daddy's this weekend and I am planning to take in some theatre at the CBT LAB, which is exciting. The weekends when Zane is with his dad are always a little tough for me. There is a part of me that is relieved to have time to myself and do things that I want to do, but there is an even bigger part of me that misses him more than words can express. It is these weekends that I wish I had someone to spend time with, so that I stay occupied and don't really have a chance to think about it. It has been something I have dealt with for so long now, though. I am used to it. Luckily it is only two days and they usually go by so fast and he is back with me before I start to feel that unbearable ache that comes when I just want to see his face or hear his voice. My sister sent me a new DVD player for my birthday, so luckily I can rent some movies this weekend to keep busy, too! (She's also sending me the new Dave Matthews Band CD and I am so excited!)
I like to give "shout outs" on my blog, so this one I have to give to my neighbor, Jenifer Bowman. I bumped into her when I got home yesterday and she has been sick lately and had to go into the hospital. She is a Twilight fan, too and she said that she and her BFF Jennifer Kennel were reading my blog out loud in the hospital and it started a conversation with some other folks who were there, too. I am glad that what I write (and so far love doing) has helped keep people entertained while they are in an undesirable situation, so thanks Jenifer!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Say It Ain't So!
The only comfort I take in this change is the idea that maybe Kristen Stewart could be replaced. I know...wishful thinking, but I can't stand her. There have been rumors floating around that Kristen and Rob are in a relationship. This is not something that I will be mentioning in my blog very much, if at all, after this. I DO NOT believe this to be true. In seeing videos from the set of Twilight, I could see how they seemed close, but I don't see that at all any more. I get so frustrated that there are so many Robsten fans. The thought of him being with her makes me so disgusted. There is now a website that people can go to in order to find out the truth about these rumors, among others. It is run by Dan Abrams and is being described as "Perez Hilton meets Columbia Journalism Review". I am so glad that these tabloids can now be put to rest. This will be going to the top of my list of favorite new websites!
I wanted to mention a new show "Dark Blue" that began on TNT called Dark Blue. It's an FBI cop drama that stars Dylan McDermott and UTK's own Logan Marshall-Green. It is so cool to see someone that I knew at one point in time, on television. It was really cool to see him with Marisa Tomei at the SAG awards and The Oscars a few months ago. Apparently they met while do a show in NYC. It's sort of surreal that I went out with him once and now he's dating an Oscar winner.
I got to work today and the party that I made a fool of myself over. When Roger read my blog on Monday, he informed me that a party had been planned, but they wanted to make sure I would be there for it. I cried on Monday because my birthday was mostly over-looked this year and I thought they forgot, too. They had Pizza Hut (my favorite) and a chocolate cake. They all got me cards and gifts and it made me feel much better, but I feel so guilty for being so emotional on Monday. Better late than never, right? There's not much else going on today. At the CBT Box Office we are working on getting the season ticket packets together.
Now that Zane has had his dental work done I feel like I am getting a toothache. After talking about my fear of the dentist and how woozy I felt yesterday, I am going to have to make my own visit to the dentist. Yikes! I'd rather go to the gynecologist any day!
I also want to thank my readers who have left comments. I only wish I knew who they were from. The comments have been so thoughtful and encouraging. Whoever they are from, thank you and I adore you!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dreaded Dental Day
Here are some higher quality versions of the clips from New Moon that were shown at Comic-Con. They have subtitles, which is fantastic, so you can understand what they are saying over all of the screaming. Plus, these have the handy HD button so you can see them even better. I also just have to say thank you to Chris Weitz for the gratuitous male toplessness in both clips. All of the horny Twilighters around the world owe you a debt of gratitude.
According to a story that was reported to British OK! magazine, Rob Pattinson thinks that Edward is a weirdo and not a dreamboat. I have to wonder if he knows his character very well. Of course there are several women in this world who have read the books multiple times and are probably more familiar with Edward than Rob is (not naming any names). He seems to believe that if a female met someone like Edward he would probably be an axe murderer. Wha?! If I met someone like Edward, I would fall for him hook, line, and sinker. I do feel a little sorry for him that thousands of Twilight fans project their image of Edward on to Rob. If you'd like to read the article from E! News I will provide the link below.
This morning was Zane's visit to dentist. His appointment was at 9am, but we got there at 8:50am. We ended up having to wait until almost 10am before Zane got called back. He was nervous and I was nervous and the long wait did not help. There was a hygienist that kept coming out to call people back. She had a mullet that was poofy on the top (very eighties), but I never said anything. Zane leaned over to me and said, "I hope I don't have to go back with that girl. Nice hair!" It completely cracked me up. A few minutes after that, a rather large family came in. There were six kids, a mom and (apparently) their uncle. He was one of the most obnoxious people I have ever had the misfortune of being around. He kept telling those kids to sit up straight and keep their hands in their laps, while he stood in front of them playing with a yo-yo. Everyone in the waiting room was looking at each other and rolling their eyes. It is my opinion that waiting rooms, particularly for children's doctors and dentists, are hell on earth. If it's not a kid acting out, it's an adult treating the kids like convicts.
Anyway. They called Zane back and he was so nervous. The dental assistant that got him ready was fantastic. She gave Zane laughing gas and he immediately was at ease. She asked if I wanted all of the dental work done or if we should do one side today and the rest next week. I wanted Zane to not have to go through all of that again, so they knocked it out all at once. The dentist came in and did the fillings and the dental assistant did the crown. When she was done she warned me that coming off of the gas might make him emotional. She pulled the gauze out of his mouth and it had blood on it, so I started to feel woozy myself. He got to pick a special prize and I had to carry him out. I felt so faint at the sight of Zane feeling uneasy. I had to sit in the car for a good five or ten minutes because I thought I might faint. I can watch other kids going through something like that, but when it's my child it's a different story. Plus, I have such a fear of the dentist personally and I don't want Zane to have that same fear.
He is doing better now. He was laying around for a little while and crying because he couldn't feel the left side of his face. The feeling is coming back and he started laughing and said, "Mommy feel this!" and wanted me to touch his chin. He didn't quite understand that he is the only one who can feel the tingling.
With all of that said I am so glad that everything is done. He had his kindergarten check-up and all of the shots that go along with that. He had his dental check-up and his fillings are done and he is registered for school. I pray that it will be a while before we have to go through anything else like this.
Time Really Does Fly!
I digress...OK, so I thought that if I had been to Comic-Con and seen Rob Pattinson and Johnny Depp in the same day or weekend, I would have fainted or had a conniption. I spoke too soon. Apparently Robert Downey Jr. was also at Comic-Con. If I had seen those three men in such a close span of time...someone would have had to call 9-1-1 for sure! I would have melted into the carpet. RDJ was there for Sherlock Holmes as well as Iron Man 2. In all of the photos from the Iron Man 2 panel he was in full blown Tony Stark mode. He looked AMAZING!
At (a website I have just recently come to love!) Gregory Ellwood got the whole story from the Iron Man 2 panel.
At the Sherlock Holmes panel he was greeted with almost more screams than Johnny Depp or Rob Pattinson, which I find hard to believe, but it was probably pretty close. He told the crowd how much he loved them. I'm pretty sure his fans love him more. I have love Robert Downey Jr. for so long. I remember thinking he was beautiful and talented in Weird Science and Less than Zero, but my favorite of his movies has to be Chaplin. He was so brilliant in that. I really love Tropic Thunder, too. He was hilarious in it. I am so glad he got clean and is back in the limelight again. Here is an article from L.A. Times on Sherlock Holmes. I can't wait to see that movie! RDJ + Jude Law = AWESOME!
I saw another interesting bit of info from a cast member of True Blood. Sam Trammell (Sam Merlotte) really loved Kristen Stewart in Adventureland, but has not seen Twilight. He also stated that he really likes her and wants her to join him on True Blood. My opinion is PLEASE?! Can she please leave the Twilight franchise? I can't stand her and wouldn't mind a new, more appreciative, Bella. Who's with me? Here is Marc Malkin's article on the subject from E! News.
Another bit of Twilight news that I thought I'd share is a video that was shot by David Slade. Slade is a somewhat unknown director who will be directing the next film in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse. He did a video with the band The Killers in conjunction with MTV and UNICEF to raise awareness of human trafficking. It is a very moving song and an even more touching bit of film work. It makes me feel a little bit better about his capabilities and what he might achieve with Eclipse. The song is now one of my favorite songs of all time and is titled Goodnight: Travel Well.
Well, I registered Zane for Kindergarten this morning. He was so excited and the school is really nice. There are all sorts of murals painted on the walls and the teachers seemed nice. He will be going on a staggered schedule at first and then goes every day starting in the middle of August. His first day of school is next Monday and I am sure I'll cry. When your child is a baby and people tell you to enjoy it, because time flies, it is so true! It seems like only yesterday he was toddling around, eating his baby oatmeal and actually taking naps every day.
Tomorrow is a very dreaded day for me. I took Zane to the dentist last Tuesday for his Kindergarten check-up and cleaning and he had three cavities that will have to be filled tomorrow and he will have to have a silver crown, because two of his teeth are rubbing together. I know that these days, dentists are able to do things without very much pain involved and I whole-heartedly hope that's true. He has only been to the dentist for a cleaning and I don't want him to be scared every time we have to go from now on. Keep Zane and me in your thoughts and prayers that all goes smoothly.
I also want to say thank you to Bobby Williams. Bobby, if you read this I adore you and truly appreciate your encouragement and sweet words. It really means a lot to me. I love ya, Bob the Slob!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
It's My Birthday. I Can Cry If I Want To
Thanks to my favorite website,, a picture was released of Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen) in disguise so that he could walk the floor at Comic-Con. For one, I love that he was a big enough nerd that he wanted to check out the excitement of the event. Second, did he really think this disguise would fool anyone? I might not have recognized him , but I wonder if any other Twilighters did? Could he be any cuter?
Also, on the Twilight front, I wanted to tell my readers about some pretty good fan fiction I have been reading lately. It is called Wide Awake. It is an unusual scenario that involves the idea of Bella being an orphan that goes to live in a girls home run by Esme and there is a boy's home next door run by Carlisle. None of them are vampires, but Edward is a "bad boy" and Bella is a depressed young girl. I must warn you though, there is quite a bit of bad language, and it is pretty steamy! I don't know much about the author, except that she is dedicated and is a decent writer. I am becoming more familiar with fan fiction and some of it is good, some is bad. If you'd like to read Wide Awake I will provide the link below.
I am also on flickr, which is a photo sharing website that I adore. I have a photo that I posted there on March 25, 2009 from our Spring Break trip to Forks/La Push and the photo has passed the 1,000 views mark. Most of my photos have around 100 views or less, so for this one to reach this milestone is very special to me.
There were lots of pictures taken of the festivities. Particularly of me, my sister, Anna and our friend Stephanie on the tube together being dragged around Lake Keowee. I will attempt to get some of those, so that I can share them. They were pretty entertaining!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Party Time!
One other thing that happened at Comic-Con that I found very interesting, being an admitted LOTR nerd, was Peter Jackson and his discussion of The Hobbit. This is one of those stories that I haven't followed very much, because I want it to happen so badly and I want it to be as brilliant as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was. He didn't mention much except that he has not decided who will play Bilbo Baggins and will not do so until the budget for the film is finalized. Jackson is producing this film and Guillermo Del Toro (Pan's Labrynth) will be directing. I read a little bit more about it the other day and saw that James McAvoy is a strong contender fo the role of Bilbo. Personally, I can't think of anyone better. I also read that Sir Ian McKellan would be returning as Gandalf! WOOHOO! I hope the film gods will bless Peter Jackson one more time and really let this happen. Check out this article and video featuring Peter all skinny! I've seen those "behind-the-scenes" segments on the LOTR DVDs so many times, I still get taken aback by seeing Peter looking more fit, but he does have the familiar beard back!
Last night we didn't get to the Marina for dinner, but the plan is to go there for tonight. However we did go to a place that reminded me of Merlotte's from True Blood. The food was terrific, but the people eating there and working there were of all sorts and the place looked like an old abandoned church. It was a bit surreal.
Today is the birthday party for my niece Camryn and I am glad that there are going to be a lot of people around today. I love coming to my sister and Brother-in-law's lake house, but when it is a smaller family get together--that is when I have a tougher time. Everyone is broken into couples (even the kids) and then there's me. My family never makes me feel left out or anything, it's my own personal insecurity. I see everyone in their happy couples and I am usually trying to be the life of the party, but I'm sometimes sad and just trying not to let it show. I think it might be kind of tough this year. I am stuck in this funk and I am really having a hard time getting out of it. I am another year older and Zane is about to start kindergarten. I feel like time is running out. I guess I know that there is just a little something missing in my life. There is nothing I want more than to meet someone I can spend my life with. Someone I can trust. Someone funny. Someone with a good job. Someone who will be there for me and Zane when we need him. After the couple of conversations Zane and I had a few days ago, I feel an even stronger urge to find someone, but I don't even know where to begin any more. Things are different when you are the mother of a five year-old. Can't someone just call Rob Pattinson or Johnny Depp and tell one of them to come sweep me off my feet? Let's just pause to admire the two of them...shall we?
I'm also in a funk, because I need to find a steady job. There is nothing I love more than working at the theatre, but I know that they won't be able to keep me around forever. For a while my mother was encouraging me, but then knocked me down with depressing things she heard on the news. She was encouraging me that I would have an easy time getting a job as a substitute teacher and I had heard education was a safe job to get in to, so I began looking into it after graduation and was about to apply. Later, my mother said I might as well forget it because teachers with masters degrees were being turned down for substitute teaching positions in this crappy economy. I think I'll just apply and hope for the best.
I am just a worrier. I always have been. I lay awake at night worrying about money, paying bills, my child being old enough to go to school...Is Zane sleeping O.K. in his own bed? Is the new kitten sleeping in his litter box? Did I see a flea on Lily earlier? Did I put that zit cream on my face? Did one of my neighbors seem angry with me earlier? I hope I don't have a bad dream? Did I lock the front door?...the list goes on and on. I guess it's just the fact that my birthday is tomorrow and that always seems to make me much more contemplative. I truly am thankful I started this blog. It gives me an outlet and will hopefully help me sleep better at night. ;o)
Before the party began earlier, I learned my illness at the sight of blood is still very strong. Zane was playing with my step-dad and tripped over has own feet. He then fell and hit the edge of a tin tub that is used to hold drinks at parties. His tooth cut into his lip cut and he bled for a good ten minutes. I was OK holding ice on it until my mother said she was glad he didn't need stitches. I started shaking and felt queasy. I don't know if it was the sight of the blood or if it was just because that was my child.
I got a couple of cool gifts from my wonderful friends Joy, Randy, Anna and Cory. Joy made and AMAZING cake. It was Twilight themed and had an apple on it. It was also chocolate on chocolate. She and Randy also got me a photo album and a frame that say "Memories". Anna and Cory got me a very cool Family Guy card with Brian on it and a Rob Pattinson poster that will be going on the back of bedroom door as soon as I get home! So far it's been a good day and my birthday isn't really until tomorrow!
This is a little fun that Anna and I had with the fondant apple that was on my birthday cake!
More on the New Moon front! YAY!
Yesterday there was the small three person panel that I didn't get to see due to the suck-age of Entertainment Tonight, but I watched some video of it and I just think Rob and Taylor are so charming. Kristen Stewart is such a stick in the mud! She seems to have an attitude. Either that or she is trying to act down-to-earth and like all of the attention The Twilight Saga is receiving isn't going to change her. Maybe, but I think maybe she's a stoner.
Anywho. The panel that was later in the day was very cool. It was mostly a repeat of what the three cast members had said earlier in the day, except for the addition of Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen). She was so well dressed and expressed her gratitude to the fans. I adore her! Too bad she wasn't a better actress in the beginning, she would be a better, more likable, Bella. Ah well. Here is a bit of video that shows how sweet Ashley is, how annoying Kristen is and how adorable Rob and Taylor are.
The most exciting thing of all was when Chris Weitz presented the two clips that he has been working on just for the fans. He expressed his desire to show his fidelity to the novels and hoped the fans would recognize that. He presented these around 7:30pm ET time yesterday and I stayed up until 2am trying to find them. When I woke this morning, I went onto twitter and two of my favorite people to follow RobPattzNews and spunk_ransom posted the video of the clips. The videos are video taken of the screens as the clips were playing. There is a LOT of screaming and talking, but they are VERY cool to see, so here ya go!
Clip #1 with Bella & Jacob and the "Edward Apparition"
Clip #2 Alice and Bella chasing the clock to save Edward
I have to admit that the second clip brought tears to my eyes. I know...pitiful. But I can remember how I felt the first time I read this sequence in the book and it really calls up those emotions that Bella must be feeling. I think that Weitz is doing this movie justice (much more than what Catherine Hardwick did with Twilight) and I am counting the days until November 20.
There was also a viewing of Twilight afterwards and a majority of the cast made an appearance and answered some questions. It is a lengthy video, but if you are interested in seeing it, I will post the link.
If you made it through that entire thing or even just enough to see Kristen Stewart and how she was acting, then you can understand how I feel about her. She acts so immature. I can just imagine the snide comments that she is making about the fans and their reactions. She looks so miserable and there are so many actresses (I know of one in particular) that would be willing to trade places with her.
Rob was very charming. In all of the interviews I have seen from Comic-Con, he seemed glad to be there and a little nervous. There was one interview, with three of the other cast members, in which he kept popping his joints. It was endearing and sweet that he seemed uneasy, even though his career has sky-rocketed.
As for Taylor, I think he will achieve the "Rob" level of popularity once New Moon is released. He is such a doll and it will impossible for him to go out in public, just as it is for Rob. I can't think of anyone more deserving.
Also, at Comic-Con, Chris Weitz confirmed three of the artists who will be on the soundtrack for New Moon. He stated that he has gotten confirmation from Thom Yorke (lead singer of Radiohead), Bon Iver, and Band of Skulls. He also stated that he is really hoping to get Kings of Leon and I gotta say, I am REALLY hoping for that, too. If you are not familiar with Kings of Leon...give them a listen. They are awesome. Here is the song I anticipate will be on the New Moon soundtrack, if Weitz gets the O.K.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Go Ask Alice About New Moon
I am going out of town this weekend for a birthday celebration, so hopefully I will be bloggin' at you all from S.C.!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So Here Goes!
Here is a link to a story CNN did on the phenomenon of Twilight at Comic-Con.
Also at Comic-Con will be Tim Burton, to discuss the upcoming Alice In Wonderland, starring Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter. There are a couple of facebook fan pages dedicated to the characters The Mad Hatter, The Red Queen (Helena Bonham-Carter) and The White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The fans of the character that has the largest army as of 4 pm PDT on Thursday, July 24 will get to see the first footage of the film. I have signed up for The Mad Hatter. Whether the Red Queen wants to to consider me disloyal or not, I remain faithful to Johnny.
Doesn't Comic-Con sound amazing? I have never been to a convention of that sort, but know lots of people who have and they just sound so fun. I can't imagine getting to see so many wonderful previews and actors and all-around geeky-coolness! The cable network, G4 will have live coverage from Comic-Con for 5 hours on Saturday, July 25 starting at 2pm ET.
I also just want to go on record and say that I think the new Katherine Heigl movie looks like crap. I really like Gerard Butler, but it is unfortunate that he was paired with her in this film. I lost respect for Heigl when she stated that she shouldn't have done Knocked Up, because it was sophomoric. PUH-LEEZE! Judd Apatow has made people's careers, including hers. Ingrate.
On a personal note...Zane has been very whiney lately. Monday was rough from the time I got home, until he fell asleep on the couch. This summer schedule, or lack there of, might be the culprit behind making me and Zane so cranky. I pray that when I get home this evening, things will be better. On the new kitty front. Things are going well (Hope I'm not speaking too soon). He (Jasper) now sleeps in his comfy box, that was a gift from Sarah, and not in his litter box. EWWW! I could just see him sleeping in his own filth and then Zane and I holding him and getting his gunk in all over us. Sheesh...I might throw up just thinking about it. He and Lily get along really well and I feel like our little family is almost complete...almost.
A New Beginning
This blog will contain all sorts of things. I will be sharing some of my stories of, "Life as a Single Mom" and I will also be sharing some of my favorite stories in the media. I am an obsessed Twilighter, so you can plan on seeing plenty of that. I am also in love with Johnny Depp, so although he is a reserved individual, I plan on sharing news about him. As well as those few things I plan to feature I hope to share all sorts of celebrity news. You won't see any info on "Speidi" or "Jon & Kate", but mostly real celebs who are worth reading about. I plan on writing a little something each day or every other day at least. Even if I am having a down day, I will still share some news or just say, "Hey!".
This blog may tend to get a bit depressing at times if I am speaking of my own life, but I am in no way throwing myself a pity party, so just bear with me. I simply want people to know what life is like for me as I struggle through thoughts of my past and the hopes for a brighter future.