Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So Here Goes!

Alright, so tomorrow is a big day for Twilight Saga fans. There is to be an event at San Diego Comic-Con in which the director of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Chris Weitz, will be sharing a couple of scenes that he has created for the movie, thus far. In an interview he stated that there would be romance and action. I am so jealous of any of the folks who will get to be there in person ( I have real jealousy issues that I need to deal with). I fully expect that there will be lots of tweets and news to pass along. It has also been confirmed that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner will be there at the panel along with Weitz. EXCITING!

Here is a link to a story CNN did on the phenomenon of Twilight at Comic-Con.

Also at Comic-Con will be Tim Burton, to discuss the upcoming Alice In Wonderland, starring Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter. There are a couple of facebook fan pages dedicated to the characters The Mad Hatter, The Red Queen (Helena Bonham-Carter) and The White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The fans of the character that has the largest army as of 4 pm PDT on Thursday, July 24 will get to see the first footage of the film. I have signed up for The Mad Hatter. Whether the Red Queen wants to to consider me disloyal or not, I remain faithful to Johnny.

Doesn't Comic-Con sound amazing? I have never been to a convention of that sort, but know lots of people who have and they just sound so fun. I can't imagine getting to see so many wonderful previews and actors and all-around geeky-coolness! The cable network, G4 will have live coverage from Comic-Con for 5 hours on Saturday, July 25 starting at 2pm ET.

I also just want to go on record and say that I think the new Katherine Heigl movie looks like crap. I really like Gerard Butler, but it is unfortunate that he was paired with her in this film. I lost respect for Heigl when she stated that she shouldn't have done Knocked Up, because it was sophomoric. PUH-LEEZE! Judd Apatow has made people's careers, including hers. Ingrate.

On a personal note...Zane has been very whiney lately. Monday was rough from the time I got home, until he fell asleep on the couch. This summer schedule, or lack there of, might be the culprit behind making me and Zane so cranky. I pray that when I get home this evening, things will be better. On the new kitty front. Things are going well (Hope I'm not speaking too soon). He (Jasper) now sleeps in his comfy box, that was a gift from Sarah, and not in his litter box. EWWW! I could just see him sleeping in his own filth and then Zane and I holding him and getting his gunk in all over us. Sheesh...I might throw up just thinking about it. He and Lily get along really well and I feel like our little family is almost complete...almost.

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