Thursday, July 23, 2009

Go Ask Alice About New Moon

OK...well, the Entertainment Tonight coverage of the brief New Moon panel was an epic failure. They officially suck, but that is my own personal opinion. However, there was a reporter, Daniel Fienberg, there from who blogged the entire, albeit short, press conference. Rob was wearing his trademark plaid shirt, but he looks good in anything. Taylor was wearing plaid, too. What's with these guys? Kristen was looking rough. Of course I am not her biggest fan. (Just Sayin'!) She has taken to tying a knot in her shirts. I don't get it. Anywayzzz. During the press conference Taylor expressed his love for Eclipse. No doubt it is because Taylor's role in Eclipse will probably involve more action and an even deeper connection to the character and what transpires between the trio. One reporter asked Rob what question he never wants to answer again ask, to which he responded, "What's it like kissing Taylor Lautner?" CUTE! Taylor said, "To growl... Actually, I'm asked that more by fans. They ask me to grown for them and I actually don't enjoy doing that,". Sounds like the guys were totally charming and Kristen was a wet blanket, as usual. She said people could ask her anything, but when a reporter asked about off screen chemistry with Rob, someone from Summit jumped up and silenced the guy. SHEESH! If you'd like to read Fienberg's tweets, here ya go!

If you'd like to see Rob and Taylor looking gorgeous and Kristen looking depressed check out this photo taken after the press conference. She is the center of a babe sandwich! What's she got to be so depressed about?! I'll trade places with her!

In case you might be curious, it appears there will be a new New Moon trailer released on August 14. I'm sure someone will snag it and post it on YouTube and you better believe I'll post it here. Here is the old one to tide you over.

One last bit of New Moon news. The official website is up and there are quite a few cool things to check out. I particularly love the way the camera spins around 360 degrees. Check it out!

Also, as I mentioned yesterday the trailer for Tim Burton's, Alice in Wonderland was set to be released today, but guess what?! It was leaked yesterday! Some people are saying this film is gonna be crappy, but I am so freaking excited! It sounds as if Burton is doing the actual story and not the sweet little fairytale for which Disney is famed. However, it does seem that Disney has seen the error of their ways, or perhaps they have realized that Lewis Carrol deserves the realization of his actual vision. Whatever the reason, I think Tim Burton is genius and Johnny Depp can do no wrong in my eyes. I'd watch him sit on the toilet and read the phone book!


On a personal note, things were good when I got home yesterday. Zane was the precious child I knew he could be. We watched television ate dinner and I gave him a bath. It was a pretty mundane evening in the Loyd household. However, he did bring up a subject that he must think about pretty regularly. He was sitting on the floor playing with Jasper and turned to look at me with his chin in his hands and said, "Why don't you marry somebody? Why don't you get a boyfriend and then get married and then I could be his little boy?". It broke my heart a little. I said I have been working on it and that I want that, too. I know it's tough for him and that he is only 5 and doesn't understand the situation between his father and me. His dad got married a few weeks ago and has a new baby and I think Zane wants the same happiness for me that he sees in his daddy. Also, I guess he just misses having a guy around on a regular basis, but I am going to be picky. ESPECIALLY, where Zane is concerned.

If you all have not heard there is a show opening this evening in the LAB Theatre at the Clarence Brown. The show is Rabbit Hole and stars Nancy Duckles, Tony Cedeno, Carol Mayo-Jenkins, Rebecca Haden, and Mark Jennings. It was directed by Mace Archer and there is a small voice cameo (as well as photos, I believe) by Zane Loyd. The show runs on the weekends from July 23-August 2 with shows in the evening at 7:30pm and Sunday Matinees at 2pm.

Just to let my 3 followers know (if you've made it this far) thank you so much for reading and following my blog. This is something I have wanted to do for so long and so far I am really enjoying it. If you have any suggestions for how I might improve it, please feel free to do so. I love each of you dearly! Plus, I am still figuring this thing out, so it will probably improve once the realizations are made.

*I also thought I'd add a little inspiration that suits how I am feeling about my new endeavor:
The undertaking of a new action brings new strength. ~Richard Evans

I am going out of town this weekend for a birthday celebration, so hopefully I will be bloggin' at you all from S.C.!

1 comment:

  1. You are such an amazing person. Your story about Zane broke my heart. He sounds absolutely precious. I totally understand wanting to be picky for Zane's sake. The right one will come along. And when that person does, you'll know your patience paid off. What an incredible woman you are.
